There’s Gotta Be More To Life

August 2, 2015 | Posted at 6:59 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

I have never felt more passionate for anything other than RIZZARR and the Being Who has placed in me this passion.


The journey it has taken to establish and create this platform has been insane. It has taken all of me, out of me. But it also has taken out of me the notion of the most important things in the world. The things being love, friendship, joy, and most of all, impact.

For me, impact actually equals all of these things. I believe that we each have the power to make an impact and that it is our responsibility to do so. When we leave here, our lives should not go in vain. Instead, they should create beautiful, positive things that will continue to better our world long after we are gone.

Life is not about money and material things; it’s about the impact that you dare to create. The life that you dare to create for yourself that will inevitably inspire and help others. That’s why I believe that despite all of the fakeness and negativity around me, there is definitely more to life. We just have to allow ourselves to believe there is and to step into that journey.

But, I know what you might be thinking. It’s hard to do that. And yes, you are right. The journey can take a toll. But this toll will only prove to you that whatever the mind can conceive, it truly can achieve. It may take some rebellion, some no’s, a lot of tears, and a sure lot of perseverance. However, it will be worth it when you look at the journey that you dared to take and where you have ended up.

Again, it all goes back to passion and impact.

Because what I care about most is the impact my life and RIZZARR are creating and can create for my generation…for people, like you. To me, that is what life is all about: using your passions, gifts, and experiences to inspire others.

Don’t you agree?

[My Current Song: There’s Gotta Be More to Life by Stacie Orrico]