There Are 24 Hours In A Day; Are You Using Them Wisely?

May 27, 2015 | Posted at 1:15 pm | by Christina (Follow User)

You probably fall into one of three categories.

Either you are an overworked professional; you are a student with not enough hours in the day; or you are a procrastinator who finds yourself sucked into hours of TV shows waiting for the day to pass. Whatever your current situation may be, we all know that our time is precious and that this day is the only one we are promised.

Because we can’t predict what tomorrow might bring, we should aspire to make the most of the 24 hours we have today. With these seven tips, you can get your work done and truly enjoy your life at the same time.


1. Make a to-do list. Write down three concrete goals you want to achieve every day. Anything over 3 will seem too daunting and you might feel too overwhelmed to start at all.

2. Stay off of social media. Give yourself a set amount of time every day to check your social media accounts (like half an hour in the morning or at night). While it’s tempting to look at your newest notifications, Facebook and Twitter are usually very time-consuming and may prevent you from starting and finishing the task at hand.

3. Avoid starting a show on Netflix. This is especially true for shows that have only a few seasons. No matter how much self-control you have, TV shows with lots of seasons already recorded are like Pringles; you can’t stop at just one. Before you know it, the day’s gone and all you’ve done is watch 13 episodes of Parenthood (true story).

4. Do the mundane tasks. These tasks include the ever popular ‘picking out your outfit,’ or preparing your lunch the night before so you can have a relaxed, stress-free morning. This will completely improve the way you feel and act for the rest of the day.

5. Listen to your favorite music. Studies show that people who listen to music are not only more productive, but happier overall. Plus, how can you be annoyed with your morning commute when you’re singing all the way to work?

6. Spend an hour by yourself. No matter how busy or hectic your schedule gets, spend an hour of your day on something you truly enjoy instead of doing what you have to do or what others expect of you. Take a walk around the park, paint your nails or read your favorite book. Do whatever makes you feel happy, excited and calm for a part of every day.

7. Multi-task efficiently. Even though studies on multi-tasking and productivity yield mixed results, there is a smart way to multi-task. Capitalize on your wait times by bringing along a small task to accomplish, like writing thank-you notes at the doctor’s office. This way, instead of feeling like you’re wasting time, you are actually getting things done.

What are your tips and suggestions on getting the most out of your day? Tell us below!