The Unique Way People Are Showing Their Support To The Vulnerable After Trump’s Win

November 11, 2016 | Posted at 1:57 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

While some Americans are voicing their concerns about President-elect Donald Trump in protests across the country, others are showcasing how they feel in a surprising way with a small object.

By fastening a safety pin to their clothing, Americans are declaring themselves “allies” to those who have been maligned by Trump or who are fearful of what is to come. Though a simple gesture, the safety pins are a symbol of solidarity and support.

According to The Guardian, the movement initially started in the U.K. after Brexit. Many wanted to offer their support to those who were facing racist and xenophobic abuse, but they were unsure of how to do so. That is, until one American woman named Allison (who didn’t want her last known) came up with an meaningful idea.

Though Allison was unable to vote in the referendum since she was an American living in London, she was still concerned about the increase in reports of abuse: “I was watching the Euros with my husband and I thought, how can we show people in public we are going to stand with them?” she told The Guardian. “We didn’t want to force people to go out and buy something so I said, what about a safety pin? Most people have one somewhere in the house.”

Allison shared her thoughts with her Twitter following and the #safetypin movement took off:




Now, fast forward to November.

With continuous fears and reports of related racist and anti-Semitic occurrences happening across the nation, Americans are joining the U.K. movement in hopes that through spreading love and solidarity, many will not feel so alone.

Be inspired by this collection of people joining the movement, and make sure you participate, too. Let’s give each other hope!