Become The Epic Jetsetter! The Top 9 Reasons Why You MUST Study Abroad

April 30, 2015 | Posted at 8:59 am | by Anna (Follow User)

The reasons to study abroad are endless.


There are so many reasons that I could give you to get you on a plane so that you can have an amazing study abroad experience. From the great adventures…. the beautiful architecture to the amazing people… my list could go on forever.


But, in the respect of time, I’m going to give you my top nine reasons that you have to study abroad. Hopefully, these will help those of you considering studying abroad this summer or this fall to make up your mind rather quickly!



1. Open your horizons.

There are only so many things you can learn by reading a book or talking to friends and family. Sometimes you just have to see it for yourself. Traveling to a foreign country allows you to literally open up a new area in the world you’ve never seen. For me this meant seeing snowflakes and deserts for the first time. It also opens you up emotionally and psychologically to meet a new group of people and try to understand things from their perspective.



2. You might fall in love.

(Enough said here… Big smile!)



3. It forces you to be independent and resourceful.

Almost every trip will have something you didn’t expect. Sometimes that means getting lost, missing a plane connection, mistake that result in no accommodation. These have all happened to me, and forced me to figure out how to use my surroundings to find a solution. Do I have family, friends or acquaintances in this country who can help me? Do I have enough money to pay for a new ticket? Should I keep pushing through or find another approach?



4. Learn a new language, learn a new culture.

Unless you pick an English-speaking country to travel to, you’ll inevitably have to learn some key words from the local language to get anywhere, even if it’s just “taxi” or “I don’t eat meat.” That kind of experience can be really rewarding to be able to communicate with people completely different and yet find some common ground. Often I’ve found a language also reflects a culture. For example, I’ve always found the word étranger in French to be particular because it means foreigner as well as stranger.



5. It challenges you to embrace a new way of life.

Ultimately, when you travel abroad, you become a better version of yourself because you are having yourself try new things and to experience new ways of life. The cultural shock can be challenging sometimes, but the person you become as a result of these experiences is oh-so worth it.



6. You become better at calculating money and all expenses.

(Enough said here, especially with all those conversion rates.)



7. A new language may await you.

Not everywhere that you go may require you to learn speak a different language. But, the places that do like, France or Brazil, may help have another unique trait that sets you apart not only in the career world, but also in life. Trust me, knowing French has helped me a lot in my work experiences and simply being able to communicate with people all over the world.



8. Make friends you’ll keep for life.

When I go through an intense experience like traveling to another country, it’s make or break for relationships. Either we’ll get along or things will be terrible and awkward. When things go well, it is fantastic. I’ve made friends I’m so close with that I’ll keep for life. I learn from them; they come visit me; we chat regularly with the Internet. There’s something so rewarding about knowing that I have cool people to hang out with when I find another excuse to go back to their country.



9. Life is too short.

You may never be able to have that fun college experience again, so you might as well take advantage of it and live life to the fullest. Don’t you agree?