What Is Your Greatest Ability?
You and I have a variety of great abilities. For some of us it’s the ability to do math, fix computers, or to sew. We all have abilities — even if at times we need others to point them out to us.
Pastor Rick WarrenYou and I have a variety of great abilities. For some of us it’s the ability to do math, fix computers, or to sew. We all have abilities — even if at times we need others to point them out to us.
By: Pastor Rick WarrenWelcome to life, where many people have similar regrets whether they be tied to intimate relationships, family, or career.
By: Tony FahkryBuilding a technology company doesn’t require you to be a technical genius. Steve Jobs proved that when he started Apple.
By: Brett FoxThe human will is undeniably powerful. Once a stern commitment is made to carry through with a project or goal, there’s little to stop a person. You may have heard it said that the human will can move any mountain.
By: Tony FahkryHave you ever been called to do something for yourself or go in a direction that you knew would gain disapproval from others? Most of us have at some time or another.
By: Dennis Merritt JonesWhen you’re faced with a problem, it may seem the circumstances are deliberately happening to you. When you seek a different viewpoint, you are able to step back from the drama.
By: Tony FahkryMaybe you feel bewildered right now. Have faith. Trust God to hear and to answer. Here’s why.
By: Pastor Rick Warren