One Person, Endless Ripples

To Women And Men Who Still Scoff At American Feminism

Whatever happens to women in the east happens to women in the west as well, guaranteed. My dream is to be able to walk down the street in a sweatshirt and jeans without having disgusting things screamed at me. So if you don’t need feminism personally, please consider both the women here and abroad who do. 

By: Bethany Sattur

Always Give Thanks For Everything: Past And Present

The tradition of Thanksgiving dates back to celebrating a time in which European settlers, helpless to understand American land, were given food and support by Native Americans who lived there. Their generosity towards one another should teach us to try to be grateful every day. It’ll lead to a healthier mindset than thinking of it, and community service, as something only required once a year.

By: Bethany Sattur