The Real Reasons Why People Prefer Vaping Over Smoking

December 21, 2018 | Posted at 6:18 am | by Karen (Follow User)

Smoking has now an official alternative, and that is known as vaping. In case of vaping, you can get the smoking like feeling, but it is not exactly as same as smoking a cigarette. If you are an ardent smoker, you must have noticed various negative health effects of this habit. Apart from the increased risk of cancer and heart-related diseases, it can cause various other health problems or issues. For example, it can cause bad mouth odor. It can cause digestive system issues. It can potentially lead to many other significant problems. To escape these issues, you can choose to go for vaping.

However, it has to be noted that vaping is not a healthy thing as well. It has a lot of possible health risks. However, it can reduce certain health-related issues for the people. It would not cause a bad mouth odor. It would possibly not cause certain other kinds of health issues. However, not just from this perspective, electronic cigarettes could be useful to you from various other aspects. Here, in the following section, you can check more information and guidance on the e-cigs.

An Economical Choice

If you count the money that you use to drain for a cigarette, you will find that you can have a new Smartphone every year. People make a lot of expenses for smoking. In fact, with the advent of time taxes are rising on the tobacco-related products. Due to this reason, you shall find that cigarettes are getting more expensive only. Instead of going for the conventional cigarettes, choosing e-cigs could prove to be a money-saving decision for you. In the beginning, e-cigarettes may appear to be costly or pricier than the conventional ones. However, this is a onetime investment that you have to do. You do not have to make any additional expenses until the vapor mod inside has finished the nicotine.

When nicotine is finished, you can easily purchase a new vapor mod instead of buying the whole device once again. However, the market is stuffed with many kinds of products. A few use and throw products are also there. Once vapor is finished, you need to throw away the device and buy a completely new one. Overall, it is an economical choice for you.Devices that come with refilling capacity or provision have been found to be costlier than use and throw ones for obvious reasons. But, there is no doubt that e-cigs are more affordable than tobacco based cigarettes.

Option to Reduce Nicotine Strength

With an electronic cigarette, you have the option to reduce the nicotine strength. As a result, people can start vaping with high strength of nicotine and then they can gradually go to lower strength. This helps them to quit smoking or habit of taking tobacco or nicotine. Due to this reason, electronic cigarettes are suggested as alternatives for those who cannot get rid of their habit of smoking. It has to be noted that smoking is injurious to your health. At some point in time, you need to quite it completely, or you may have to reduce consumption. In any case, electronic cigarettes will prove to be helpful for you.

Safety from Fire Hazards

Due to the habit of smoking, many people have suffered from different kinds of accidental cases. Smoking near to petrol pump is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, many people have to suffer from burning cases due to their habit of smoking. With a conventional cigarette, this risk will always stay, and it will always cause enough concern for you. If you want to get rid of such risk, you need to switch to electronic cigarettes which are safe to be used. They would not cause any fire hazards. They would not leave burn marks on your skin. They would not cause black marks on your lips. It is a safer alternative to the traditional cigarette, as you do not have to light up the fire for consuming electronic cigarettes.

Posh or Classy Choice

Smoking has always been connected with style statement, especially for men. We have seen many Hollywood heroes flaunt their style with a cigarette between the fingers. But, such a style statement has turned outdated these days. People are choosing e-cigarette to appear more stylish. It is a trending choice, giving you a completely new look. In lower price, you can display a better style statement with the help of the vaping devices. Not just e-cigs, different kinds of vaping devices are there at the marketplace. You can switch for online shopping to ensure finding the top class vaping devices.


Smoking is not just bad for your health, but also quite harmful for the environment. You need to curb the habit of smoking for the sake of Mother Nature. With every cigarette, a fair amount of air pollution happens. Nevertheless, it leads to global warming too. As a result, people have to rethink over their habit of smoking. In many countries, banning cigarette has become a common agenda for the environmental activist. At such scenario, vaping in place of smoking is a smarter thing to do. It will save money for you. Nevertheless, it will cause lesser harm to the environment. So, it is the time to switch to a smarter alternative, and that is e-cigs in place of the traditional cigarettes.

Something New to Try

With electronic cigarettes, you have something new to try. The cigarette has become a normal thing. People smoke, as they have become habituated to it. They do not find it quite enjoyable anymore. To make it enjoyable, you need to opt for better alternatives. The alternative is electronic cigarettes. They are enjoyable by everyone. They come with different flavors, and that is the main USP of the e-cigs. You can find various enjoyable flavors when it comes to vaping. With conventional cigarettes, variation in flavors is quite limited. That is not the case for the e-cigs.

So, these are some of the reasons why one should choose e-cigs over the traditional cigarettes. However, you should keep in mind that both smoking and vaping come with possible health risks.