The pursuit of wellness: the basics of wellbeing for his and her

January 30, 2020 | Posted at 2:49 am | by Ashley (Follow User)

‘How are you?’

This basic question defines the state of our well-being as individuals, communities, and as a nation.

However, it also substantially measures your social progress, the quality of your life, particulars of your mental and physical health, and much more. But the question that many often ask is…

What exactly is wellness?

There is no particular definition to describe it. But wellness is a way of living that promotes a healthy and happy existence. It’s an active, on-going process full of conscious decisions that you make towards creating a better life for yourself. 

Wellness is acquired from a combination of crucial aspects such as living conditions, how we think and feel about our lives, the quality of relationships, our emotions, general health, etc. Therefore, in order for a person to be ‘well,’ several dimensions of wellness that must be considered.

Emotional Wellness

We all have feelings. Talk shows like Oprah and Dr. Phil are renowned platforms where emotional wellbeing has been discussed to a great extent.

But being able to understand them personally, and cope with positive and negative emotions is all part of growing up.

Emotional wellness dwells on the importance we give to our emotions, such as stress, anxiety, happiness, etc. It begins with acknowledging our feelings and then learning how to react to them.

When we pay attention to emotional wellness, we are able to acquire inner-strength. People learn from life experiences and apply that wisdom to their daily lives. This develops decision-making skills and encourages individuals to make appropriate choices later on.

Emotional wellness improves the expression of feelings and the confidence to manage relationships with others. But it all begins with optimism. This helps maintain a sense of balance, especially the ability to see through negative emotions.

Simple steps to improve emotional wellness include:

  • Stay positive even when problems arise.
  • Identify things that cause stress. Try to manage or reduce them.
  • Turn to a reliable person for advice and support.
  • Remind yourself to smile.
  • Be mindful of others.
  • Aim to strengthen relationships with family and friends.
  • Accept that you’re human and you will make mistakes. Learn from these experiences.

Environmental Wellness

Wellness should not merely focus on yourself. It’s necessary to be concerned about other people and the environment around you as well. The goal is to exist in a state of harmony.

In order to promote environmental wellness, we should take steps to protect nature.

It begins with creating awareness about practices and habits that are harming the environment. Taking responsibility for your actions, such as conscious choices can inspire others to do the same. It’s as simple as selecting brands that respect Mother Nature, such as BN3TH and Patagonia. They strive to implement innovative ways to manufacture products and take steps to lessen the impact on the environment.

Whether it’s wearing eco-friendly clothes or recycling products, there is always something that you can do to develop a better relationship with the environment. Other ways are:

  • Conserve energy.
  • Recycle.
  • Make eco-friendly choices.
  • Promote awareness about how we are harming the environment.

Physical Wellness

Physical well-being is necessary to have a good quality of life. It is more than just being fit. In order to remain healthy, several aspects must be considered simultaneously. This includes eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, sleeping well, seeking medical attention when ill, and much more.

Physical wellness begins by taking personal responsibility for your health. Making conscious choices to promote a healthy lifestyle is essential.

For example, physical activity not only strengthens the bones and muscles, but it also reduces the risk of diseases. Similarly, eating a well-balanced diet provides you with essential nutrients and vitamins. And getting enough sleep is incredibly crucial for your overall health. All of these aspects greatly influence emotional wellness. It keeps the mind alert while helping to boost self-esteem and manage self-control.

Easy ways to improve physical wellness are:

  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduce the amount of processed and sugary foods you consume.
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

Intellectual Wellness

To live a meaningful existence, we need to learn new ideas. This includes academics, hobbies, professional training, cultural ventures, and whatnot. So any type of creative, mentally-stimulating activities encourages intellectual development. Thus acquiring new skills helps to expand our level of understanding.

Moreover, it becomes the basis of how we learn to coexist with others. It involves aspects such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. But to become intellectually well, you must express a degree of curiosity, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn.

Remember, learning is a life-long experience.

To boost intellectual wellness, consider the following:

  • Stay up to date with current affairs.
  • Participate in meaningful conversations. Listen to what others have to say.
  • Get involved in creative hobbies.
  • Seek out novel experiences such as learning about new cultures, traveling, etc.

Social Wellness

This aspect of wellness focuses on how well you interact with others and maintain these connections. It encompasses developing friendships as well as romantic relationships.

Learning to foster meaningful and supportive bonds is essential. And that can be obtained through active listening and showing empathy.

But the actual strength of social wellness can be acquired by becoming comfortable in social situations. That means being able to communicate with others, building trust, and managing conflicts. But mostly, it’s crucial for developing self-esteem.

Social wellness is required to create a healthy balance between our professional and social lives. Here are some tips to promote social wellness:

  • Make friends with positive people.
  • Maintain relationships with family and friends.
  • You have social needs.
  • Go to places you enjoy with people you enjoy.

Final thoughts

There are various dimensions of wellness. These are just a few of them. But each type of wellness is interlinked with another. Therefore, managing every aspect is essential for overall wellness.

But it is your right to pursue various aspects of wellness actively. Acquiring adequate knowledge about how to maintain and improve them should all be part of your lifestyle.

Remember, health is a state of mind, but wellness is a state of being. So work on ways to create a better image and maximize your personal wellness.