Hall shares that just like in the cartoon Captain Planet and the Planeteers truly the power of God lies in all of us. (Pictures taken from Collider.com)
In the early 1990s, there was a cartoon that came on TBS called Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
The plot of the show involved five planeteers who used their different powers to defend the Earth from disasters. Consequently, in doing so, they educate individuals on how to further prevent those disasters from occurring.
There was also a character name Gaia in the cartoon. Gaia was played as the spirit of the earth who would inform the planeteers where disasters were occurring and offer solutions.
Interestingly, whenever the planeteers were putting their powers together to fight the disasters, Captain Planet would only arrive on the scene when the planeteers believed that it was too much for them to handle. Accordingly, with Captain Planet by their side, they were able put all of their powers together with his power to save the day. Only together with him could the day be saved the day and each of their powers fully restored. The cartoon would then end the quote,
“The Power is Yours!”
As I begin to reflect on this cartoon, God began to reveal to me how this program is a pure example of how His Kingdom operates. God is
our Captain Planet, and we are His planeteers. He has equipped all His children with different powers {power to heal, prophecy, minister, cast out demons, etc.} to defend the earth of the wicked things. Just as it is written in the Bible read: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” {NLT, Esphesians 6:12}.
Additionally, it is also interesting in the cartoon that the character Gaia notifies the planeteers about the whereabouts of the disasters, and how to handle them is nothing. God reveled to me that this is also similar to everything written in the Bible, because Gaia is like Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Kingdom people that guides and directs us when we are faced with situations.
Therefore, know that as the planeteers, we the children of the Kingdom. We truly have to realize that sometimes our individual power (s) are not enough to tear down the strongholds in the Earthly realm, but that some “disasters” require us to come together and use our powers simultaneously to see change. Yes, we can do it!
Yet many times, we are unaware of the power that we have whether individually or as a group, so we have to call upon our Captain Jesus. Accordingly, with the prayers of the righteous, He comes to save the day!! In fact, even in our unbelief, He does not take away our power.
Instead, He restores it and continues to remind us that, “THE POWER IS YOURS!” It is not a coincidence that there were
five planeteers, because the biblical significance of that number is grace. God’s grace is why He intervenes for us in our unbelief!! NLT Phillipians 2:13, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.” Truly begin to believe that the power is yours.
The Power is Deep Within You.
I hold the power,
It lies within me.
Destroy any unbelief,
All my faith is in Thee!
I hold the power,
I carry the authority.
Lord give me eyes to not only Believe,
But also to see!
I hold the power,
I have the gift.
I know this race was not given to the strong,
Nor was it given to the swift!
But to those who ENDURETH,
Until the end.
Lord, You said I would not be a borrower,
But that I would be equipped to lend!
That I…..hold….the….power.
The power…..I…. hold.
Power is the holding thing in My hands.
Lord, You told me to go and Possess the land!
So I’m taking this power invested in me,
And standing by living waters as a planted tree.
Nothing can shake my faith,
Nor put me in a place of unbelief.
I have inherited His wondering working Power,
All season-round, I am the branch with the unfading leaf!