The Greatness Revealed While Being Human

January 15, 2015 | Posted at 3:10 am | by Ashley (Follow User)

Are you one of those shoulda, coulda, woulda type of people?

Or are you one of those types of people who are constantly thinking how you could have or should have done things differently?

Well, if you are… please stop.

Realize that you are only human, and there is nothing wrong with being that way. As I get older, I am realizing more and more that so much beauty can be revealed from within us when we embrace the art of being human. When we let go, and strive to be human… to be who we feel that we are called to be… that is when we can truly live. Certainly, the world will often make you feel as if you are inadequate… that you have nothing to give… and that your mistakes will forever impact your life.

But, these notions are not true at all. If anything, we each must realize that greatness lies within us, and with this greatness, we have the power to change the world. We must realize that our actions and our life journeys can have even the slightest impact on someone’s life now or in the future– regardless of the mistakes and the situations that we have gone through within our lives.

Life was never meant to be a simple, yet infallible place. Life was meant to be a place of experiences…of change…of growth, and most importantly, of being human.

Sometimes we can put so much pressure on ourselves that we forget that it is ok to be who we are… to discover who we are through the circumstances that we encounter in life, and to make choices. Consequently, while making these choices, it’s amazing to grasp that it’s ok to succeed, fail, and (when needed) even rise above. It’s ok because the greatness within us is revealed when we are human.

Right now, so many of us are living lives in which we feel so scared to make a choice or to be who we want to be. We’re scared that our lives will not turn out to be the way that we plan; we’re scared that we will fall…

But what’s so wrong with falling? In fact, that is part of being human.

What I’ve realized is that life is a place where we develop in our purpose. It’s a journey that allows us to discover and grow into the person who we would like to be. It’s not about staying in one place, because we are scared. It’s not about beating up on ourselves for making mistakes; for growing into who we are becoming; or for even just having a bad day.

It’s about learning to live life as if we will never have another day. It’s about enjoying the human experience of following our passions; fulfilling our heart’s desires; and making a great impact in the world.

Now that…

That’s the greatness revealed while being human.