Picking Up The Pieces: Why We Need To Believe In The Good That Still Exists

November 19, 2015 | Posted at 2:46 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

Within the last 15 years, the world has considerably changed.

The word, “terrorist,” has become part of our everyday vocabulary. The actions of those within Al-Qaeda and ISIS have become part of our daily news and in countries full of terrorist groups, people are running for their lives to other countries for asylum. Additionally, the Paris terrorist attacks on Nov. 13 have made us all stand still and grieve over the innocent lives that were lost.

With so much sadness, turmoil, and strife around the world, you might be asking: How do we even begin to believe in the good that still exists?

It seems that this answer lies in us:

We are the good that still exists
and we can generate this good through our actions every single day.

Despite the evil, we need to realize that we can overcome it. To do so, we simply first have to choose to believe in the good that still exists in the world, and then, prove through our actions that it does. Even with all of the malicious acts of terror, we can bring hope and love to others, especially in the midst of terrible situations, like the terrorist attacks in Paris. By making these actions and by seeing these actions done by others, we can then begin to believe in the good that still exists within the world.

Through our actions, we each can prove that good does still exist in our world. One person who recently proved this point is French graphic designer Jean Jullien. After the Paris attacks, he created the symbol below. The symbol has not only offered hope and resilience to thousands, but it has also proven that there is good that still exists.


Since Jullien posted the symbol on social media, it has reportedly garnered over 44,000 retweets and over 22,000 Facebook shares. Many times, the symbol was also posted alongside the hashtags, #peaceforParis and #prayforParis. The true essence of a ripple effect…

As we pick up the pieces of this terrible tragedy, let us not let the lives of those who were harmed or killed go in vain. Let us use our lives to create the change that we wish to see in the world. Let us use our lives to bring peace, love, and hope to others. And most of all, let us use our lives to prove that good not only still exists, but it will always conquer over any wicked and devastating act.