The Day I Almost Lost It

July 20, 2016 | Posted at 6:58 pm | by Nicole (Follow User)

We’ve all lost things. Keys. Phones. Shoes. Socks. Oh Lord, socks. I never find those things… But this time, something else was missing. The hardest part was realizing that I didn’t lose anything physical. I rattled my mind for months trying to figure out what was causing such an empty feeling.

One day, It appeared. My heart sank well below the surface. I couldn’t believe I almost lost something that was graciously and purposefully given to me. It was writing. After several years of combining words in different formats, I was now afraid of what I had to say.

I saw It drifting so far away from me I knew there was no hope to get It back. But They kept coming. They were the stories. The imagination deep within that sparkled at every turn. The “what if” stories. The magical stories that transcended time and space. The outrageously terrible stories with no ending. The stories I wish I had the energy to write. They all would’t go away. They were in my dreams, daydreams and deeply rooted in my conscience. I found myself zoning out in the middle of conversations trying to squint at the person in front of me to block out the loudness of They.

They wanted to be heard. They wanted to be read. They wanted to be seen. The only way They could be birthed into this world was by me. But, It wasn’t back in my possession yet. I questioned why It refused to show up. So what did I do?

1. I started to spend more time outside breathing the fresh air, staring at the blue skies [or on some days clouds], smiling at the trees, grass and the beautiful flowers. Nature kindly reminded me of the meaning of a living thing.

2. I internalized the silence during alone time. I heard my strengths and weaknesses.

3. I ate more fruits & veggies. (By no means did fruits and veggies bring It back, but the nutrients sure did give me a mental boost to keep pushing forward. Food is magic.)

4. I disciplined myself to write, even if I thought the piece was bad.

5. I believed. That’s how this post was brought to life.

Don’t lose your It. Don’t ignore the passions and gifts that live inside of you. Your contribution to this world is needed in order to move forward.

Get It out and share It with the world!

~ Nicole S.