The Freedom To Be Ourselves: The Constant Spiral On Our Road To It

October 9, 2015 | Posted at 4:58 pm | by Brandi (Follow User)

Are  you free? 

While this may be a simple question, the response to this question will be very complex. Your response varies by your past, beliefs, and your definition of freedom itself. Some people believe that freedom means you can say and do whatever you want. However, these people may not see what is hidden in that definition…

I would love to believe that I can do and say whatever I want, but I have to be honest with myself and realize that sometimes I am not even sure what I want. There are also instances where I do not even understand what I am doing. I believe I am free, but I wonder what is influencing my decisions.

When I take a step back to observe my influences, I have realized I was heavily influenced by social interactions and mass media. I coveted what others had and constantly compared the life stories of others to that of my own. This put me in a constant spiral of setting expectations and receiving disappointments. I found myself stuck in the same cycle of thoughts.

The famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt explains the trap we place ourselves into many times:

“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.”

I was searching so hard for solutions to issues that I was dealing with, but what I really needed was to relax. A lot of my ‘issues’ were all in my mind. Our minds can operate more simply and easily than we expect. The hard part is breaking the cycles of one’s thought process.

We have so many distractions that we constantly get caught up on. Social media and reality television are part of one of those distractions. News coverage and exploitative journalism are not helping either. There is so much over-stimulation of stories that it is hard to think for ourselves.

My freedom started when I decided to stop labeling everything that happens as good or bad. Everything that happens is necessary and if we do not like what is happening, it is up to us to change it. This change may start with just altering your perception of life. I guarantee that you will make mistakes and run into road blocks along the way, but it will be worth it.

The truth is everyone’s version of freedom is meant to be different. It is all about challenging yourself to follow your heart; to stand up for yourself; and to stand up for your freedom.

Freedom is responsible and peaceful. Freedom does not leave anyone out. Freedom contains no judgment. Freedom is what will allow to empower yourself to become all that you hope and ultimately desire to be.