The Benefits of Training Your Employees

March 24, 2020 | Posted at 10:00 am | by Emily (Follow User)

There is often a misunderstanding when it comes to the topic of training and its purpose in the business world. A lot of people believe training to be a simple drill that will enable one to do a task that they couldn’t do beforehand. However, training is much more than this. It is a practice that will enable your staff to perform their tasks with greater efficiency or even with a greater level of safety. In other words, it is an investment towards the enhancement of your overall business model. With that in mind and without further ado, here are several benefits training practices that you should take into consideration.

Higher productivity

The most obvious reason for training your employees is to enhance their productivity. A well-trained employee knows the optimal way to handle the task in question. They waste minimal resources to achieve maximum effect, which directly benefits your company’s profitability. They also waste a minimal amount of time, which is also crucial for your capacities, seeing as how time is a finite resource. In other words, what training does is make your team more efficient, enabling you to achieve much more with the same staff.

Doing some assessment

A question that the majority of entrepreneurs are constantly asking themselves is just how effective their team really is. According to Price’s law of productivity, only the square root of employees is doing about 50 per cent of all the work around the office. In other words, if you have 16 people on your staff, 4 of them are doing 50 per cent of the work, while the other 50 per cent is being done by the remaining 12 employees. By drilling your staff, you will receive some invaluable feedback, which will give you greater insight into who are the hard-working employees in your enterprise and which of your staff members are idling on company hours.

Ready for new scenarios

One of the main reasons why training is so important is due to the fact that it can help you prepare your staff for new situations. During their training process, you’re giving them a simulation of situations that they would encounter in the real world, which means that they don’t have to improvise, thus risking everything that they’ve done so far. There are numerous ways in which this can be achieved and the most creative one is corporate role play. This creativity also allows them to experiment in a completely safe environment, which enhances their agility when it comes to performing the task. Emulating a safe environment for the sake of the learning process is what experimenting is all about.

Providing value

Every employment process is supposed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement. The employee produces value in the form of labour, while the employer compensates them financially. Still, there’s more to it than just paying people’s salaries. Giving your employees access to a high-end training program can be even more important. Knowledge is a valuable resource and if you manage to provide it to your staff, you will give them something of value that is worth staying for. In other words, by doing so, you’re enhancing the talent retention rate.

An investment towards the future

Another thing worth mentioning is the fact that training your employees is an investment in the future. Sure, the employee in question may have all the knowledge that they need in order to perform their current tasks, however, what happens when the workload increases? What happens when you need to move them to a more responsible position? You see, training doesn’t just enhance one’s knowledge and productivity. It also gives one confidence and teaches them to become more responsible. 

Enhancing the recruitment strategy

Keep in mind that the training process isn’t reserved for your employees alone. A lot of enterprises have the so-called trial period, which gives entrepreneurs a chance to see which of their potential employees would be the best fit for their company. A training process can be used as an efficient tool in answering this question. Once again, this can be done in a safe and efficient environment, which will minimize any risk for your company.

In conclusion

The business world is constantly evolving and you need to make sure that your staff can keep up with this change. Every year, there are new tools invented (or old ones updated with old features) and if your staff can’t keep up with this, chances are that you will get outcompeted. There are also new practices developed and new trends tend to rise every year. The only way to stay ahead of the curve is to invest some time, effort and resources in an efficient training process for your enterprise. Keep in mind that you are only as strong as your weakest link, which is why you need to heavily commit to the training process of every single one of your employees.