Your vote matters. Though you might think of it as being a speck within the huge realm of everyone in the world, you should be happy to know just how much you can impact our world through your vote.
At a critical juncture in American history, Millennials and future generations need to absorb this biased news with a critical eye and make informed judgments, think of the economical consequences, then get up and vote!
Below is the transcript of a letter college student Bethany Sattur mailed to Hillary after the election which exemplifies how those who supported her will keep working towards a better future
The final decision in this year’s election was way too close. The election clearly showed us just how important it was for everyone to vote in order to make the changes that we wish to see. Realize it’s not just a vote, it’s the beginning of change.
In our society, one of the major argument is that votes don’t count. But if you don’t take the time to register and vote then your voice doesn’t count either. Find out why voting is the most important way that you can stand up for your beliefs.
Hope has come to mean that we are not held personally responsible for our individual actions as leaders or citizens, because it’s “someone else’s fault.” Hope has become an anthem of faint optimism for a new generation. So where and how do we draw the line to begin to hope again and reclaim positivity? Read more to find out!