I used to become disheartened upon seeing people’s true colors. It was hard for me to accept. But as I’ve gotten older, I believe that witnessing their true colors can be the greatest gift.
The world is an interesting place. As you navigate it, the person you are changes. You become more aware of certain truths that stick with you and shape you into who you are. Here are some truths that you may agree that you’ve learned.
Twenty-three is an interesting age for growing. There are so many things that many of us wish someone would have told us when we were that age. Here are some truths that one contributor wishes someone would have told her.
2015 was full of interesting moments of self-discovery and unraveling the meaning of life. It was amazing and the truths it revealed about life were even more amazing. Here are some truths we collected.
Getting burned by people who you thought you could trust, sucks. When you see someone’s truth, don’t deny it. Be thankful for it and use that experience to protect yourself in the future. Here’s why you should always believe people, the first time they show you who they are.
Life has a funny way of teaching us. Whether it’s in the relationships we have, the people we meet, or the experiences we endure, you could say that life is one mighty teacher. It’s possibly what we can appreciate most about life, like how there is always another lesson to learn.
There are days when you might be feel burdened and all alone in this world. There are days that you question what you believe and who you are. In this piece,one of our columnists shares a very personal experience with us on her journey in growing closer to God.