With all of the dilemmas that have been intertwined along my journey, I can say I wholeheartedly believe that everything has worked out for my good. Everything.
Each of our lives is our own masterpiece. We can edit it, change it, flip it, or do whatever we make to it as much as we want. The world is our oyster and our lives can be anything that we make of it, if we choose.
Bashing Millennials on the internet these days has become embedded in society these days. And at the core of the fierce Millennial debate there seems to be one question at the forefront – What’s wrong with Millennials these days?
Every path that you find yourself on in life, happens for a reason. Though at times you might feel like you’ve lost yourself along the way, you haven’t. In truth, you’re just beginning to discover who you are and what you’re made of.
Life will teach you that you can’t control what happens to you, but you can change what you do about it. And most importantly, you can change how you allow situations to define you.
Relationships can be very complicated. But they can also be simple, if we learn from the past and apply those lessons to the future. Here’s a collection of lessons learned from old relationships.
Process is a word that is consistent with the journey called, life. Although these processes can be annoying, I’ve found every process is important and can help develop who you are.