We live in an era defined by swift changes, where the landscape of news and business evolves daily.
Tag Archives: transformation
Eclipse It All: Everything That Was Used To Stop You, Now Use It As Your Point Of Power
As the world revered the epic total eclipse of 2024, I also did and had some epiphanies connected to it.
Why Those Who Are Most Responsive To Change, Will Always Thrive
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” — Charles Darwin What are you resisting right now in your life?
The Power Of Letting Go. How This Year Taught Us To Surrender Control
Despite everything, this year taught us the power of letting go lies in our ability to surrender that which we have little control of, anyway.
People-Centered Leadership: Six Tips to Connect Through the Disconnect
People-centered leadership. Here’s why it is the way to form authentic connections through this social isolation and beyond.
Step Into Your Awesomeness. Life Is Too Short Not To
When external ego-boosters fall away, as they all inevitably do, you are left with just you, the person.
Here Are 10 Interesting TED Talks To Watch That Might Change Your Perspective
TED Talks have continuously changed my views of the world. Whenever I need to be inspired, I usually watch them. And if you ever need to be inspired, I would say try watching these.