Without defining to ourselves what success or failure means, we will constantly be coming up against this wall of fear. But by looking behind the mask of success or failure, we allow ourselves to do is truly connect and find out what we really truly want and like and therefore who we REALLY are.
Tag Archives: success
5 Things I Had To Give Up To Be Successful
An uncomfortable but powerful truth that took most of my 20’s to internalize: There’s an opportunity cost to everything worthwhile in life. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll have to give up something in order to make it happen.
To Settle Or Not To Settle?
What happens when it feels like you have two choices — to settle or not to settle? The fear of settling swirling in your stomach… Yet, is to settle or not to settle actually the right question?
How Living An Assertive Life Means Believing In Something Greater: For The Unassertive Entrepreneur
A successful entrepreneur once told me that there is always a price for leadership. One of which is standing up for something that means more than just themselves.
The Best Advice My Dad Ever Gave Me When I Was A Little Girl
I will never forget that moment. That moment that my father gave me advice that changed my life. It has continued to stick with me today, really now more than ever as I look to discover who I am and go after my life goals.
3 Truths You Need To Accept For A More Fulfilling Life
Change a belief and you can change your reality; hold your beliefs constant and your life is guaranteed to stay the same. This is a fact. And this is probably the No. 1 mistake I see people make while striving to achieve their goals: They don’t analyze and adjust their beliefs accordingly.
35 Signs You’re Adulting Like A Boss
Adulting is harder than it looked on the front of the brochure. The biggest surprise about becoming all grown up that no one ever talks about…adulthood…never…stops.