College can be stressful. Then again, it all depends on how you handle it. If you manage it correctly, then it may not be such a pain. Instead, it could be one of the most epic experiences of your life.
Cutting to the chase: I did what everyone wants to do. Save up. Quit my job. Travel and help others while working on my own business. The dream, right? Right. What comes along with this that most don’t see in the travel posts? Stress, anxiety and fear. But here’s how I’ve handled it.
The holidays can be tough! Attempting to juggle the stresses of constantly being surrounded by food and people is A LOT. Here are some uncomfortable questions and statements you might hear and responses to help you out!
Navigating school while suffering from an eating disorder can be very hard. With a perfection-oriented environment, it’s so easy for your eating disorder to creep in and take over. But here are ways you can quiet the voice and take control.
Expiration dates provide us with more than a notification of when to get rid of things. Expiration dates can also do something else: they liberate us! Imagine what would happen to us if we apply the same idea to our emotions. Imagine how free we can become! Columnist Lisa Cypers Kamen explains it all.
A recent study released revealed that today’s young adults, those ages 18-33 — the Millennial generation — experience more stress than the average American.