At 26 years-old, I was not unlike most of these folks I met. I loved to write, I found my life thus far quite interesting, and I thought I held a unique knowledge of a subject that others should know. So, like 90% of would-be authors… I thought.
If you get anxious or stressed easily, the breathing exercise outlined above may be difficult at first. You’re likely not used to taking slow, deep breaths and pausing in between breaths.
The quest for happiness has always been an underlying factor for making major life decisions. While it may seem like true happiness is near impossible to reach these days, implementing small techniques can bring you one step closer to finding fulfillment in your daily life.
Breathing is traditionally thought of as an automatic process driven by the brainstem—the part of the brain controlling such life-sustaining functions as heartbeat and sleeping patterns. But new and unique research, involving recordings made directly from within the brains of humans undergoing neurosurgery, shows that breathing can also change your brain.