To celebrate ourselves, we ought to make peace with parts of ourselves we are at war with.
Tag Archives: self-improvement
4 Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Transform Your Life
If you wish to transform, it must be framed within the proper context to make the change sustainable. One must become curious how they intend their life to be, while disregarding the negative aspects of the change.
You Are Not Defined By Your Past. They Are Lessons Learned, Not Life Sentences
Welcome to life, where many people have similar regrets whether they be tied to intimate relationships, family, or career.
20 Habits You Need To Give Up If You Want To Be Successful
Once in a while, we sit down and try to figure out what we need to start doing. We ponder our past actions and their results, where we are right now, and what we should do next. Here are the 20 things you need to give up now.
6 Effective Ways to be Calm in every Situation
Too many people sit by, passive-aggressively trying to make others change their situations for them rather than picking themselves up…
6 Things Happy People Never Forget
Does it ever seem like other people are happier than you? Over time, it can be frustrating. This read could help.
Why Problems Are Always Disguised As Opportunities For Personal Growth
Problems exist at the level of the mind. The result allows a problem to overwhelm us, or in the case of successful people, become an opportunity to gain something.