Seven years ago, one contributor says she developed an eating disorder after feeling like her body wasn’t good enough. Now, whenever her mind goes back to that place, here’s how she overcomes her thoughts and sees the beauty in herself.
The reality is, we never owe anyone an explanation for who we are. Deciding to become who you are and realizing that you don’t need to “explain” to people the reasons for your decisions is the most freeing feeling, especially in your twenties.
For many, the holiday season is a source of great joy, bringing merriment after a long and trying year. But for others, the holiday season brings anxiety, especially around food. Here are signs a loved one may be struggling with an eating disorder and how you can help.
No one else can determine your future, who you are capable of becoming, or who you will be in the future. You decide that for yourself. These quotes will inspire anyone trying to overcome a perfectionist mentality and the opinions of others.
Self-harm is something that impacts millions of our generation every day. But it can be conquered. Nobody ever said that life is supposed to be easy. However, by taking the necessary steps to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves.
Life is special and worth living. Through various challenges, you can hold onto that. Accepting my story has been ever so hard for me, but today I understand that, to me, thriving means being open, being wholeheartedly me.
Body image is a universal struggle. Too often though, the focus is placed solely on women. But now, one journalist is bridging the gap between men’s and women’s battles by using his personal story of body shame to help others.