The holidays are a difficult time for many of those who struggle with eating disorders. Six of our writers courageously shared their messages to their past selves. Check them out below.
When you look into a mirror, focus on your truth and your inner beauty. In this empowering piece, you will be reminded that when when you look into the mirror, you shouldn’t judge yourself by others’ standards and don’t focus on your flaws.
What are we allowing the world to come to based on how we treat others? In fact, how many times do you compliment someone or try to brighten their day? This piece will help you realize your words and how we can slowly change the world with each word we speak.
Yoga has given me a greater appreciation and love for my body and what it is capable of. Since practicing yoga, I have become more attuned to my body’s strengths and limitations, more centered, and self-aware.
Over the years, what I’ve realized is that the journey towards overcoming the negative thoughts we have about our bodies and ourselves has to be something that we embrace every single day.
Last night, my sister and I stayed up late looking at photos from years ago. I realized bullying had been a huge reason as to why I had such a negative body image back then.
We’ve all been there before: you wake up, look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see. This past week I’ve had a few of those days, and I’ve developed some tips and tricks to help build up your self-esteem when you need it!