My leap into entrepreneurship from Corporate America revealed three expensive mindsets I’ve held for far too long. Are any of these three costing you, too?
What rules do you live by? I’m not talking about those that govern what you eat or how you dress but something more meaningful. What rules dictate your life?
As an adult, it can feel almost impossible to get back to that time when you prioritized your own satisfaction instead of postponing your happiness. The truth is, you must consciously and intentionally elect to be happy on a daily basis.
Do you believe you have the power to influence your life? Or do you consider yourself dragged along by life’s forces? This is an important question because your beliefs will dictate how your life plays out.
There are many elements of Wonder Woman that anyone can identify with, particularly those who have fought an eating disorder or body image issues. Here are some reminders of the iconic attributes of Wonder Woman that Patty Jenkins brought to the big screen.