Allow yourself to feel terrible right now about what you are doing, so much so that you cannot bear it any longer and do something about it!
Tag Archives: purpose
How To Find Your Career Calling In Your 20s
What’s career calling? Finding your career calling in your 20s has become something of a twisted puzzle. But rest easy, 20-somethings. The decade of your 20s has secret, well-hidden answers to your career calling.
Why You Need To Fail to Succeed
Learn from your mistakes so you come back stronger and with a better idea of your true self.
How To Live On Purpose And Maximize Every Single Day
Today can be as great as you want it to be – even if you start small.
4 Truths Every Purpose-Seeker Should Know
People with a greater sense of purpose live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Here are 4 secrets to living on purpose.
Go To The Next Level Of Your Life Before You Feel Ready
No matter how difficult an experience, you’ll be able to quickly adapt to that experience.
In Your Hardest Times, Trust God’s Purpose
When life becomes really hard, most people will eventually ask, “Why me?” But this is the wrong question to ask during your dark days. Instead, try asking, “God, what’s your purpose in this?”