Dear Millennial, In an opportunity ripe time, anything is possible for anyone. But even with the resources at our fingertips, what is the biggest pain point we face day-in and day-out? We want to live a purpose-filled life where we feel fulfilled by who we are and what we are doing.
Tag Archives: purpose
Are You Living A Life Of Fulfillment?
I asked my mentor what I could do to achieve my next goal, and he suggested I write the narrative of my life, my epic, from the perspective of my death bed. What did my life look like? Did I live a life of fulfillment? Only then, he said, would I be able to look at my next goal and know how best to get there.
The Ripple Effect Of You…
When we pause and see how interconnected we are, we’ll realize it is impossible NOT to have an effect on others far beyond our knowing. While we may never know what effect our life has on others, it doesn’t mean the effect we do have is insignificant.
Living With Self-Compassion And Forgiveness
In life, you will make mistakes and you will experience setbacks. Our feelings about mistakes shift a great deal in our youth. In the process of learning to walk, you fell down…a lot. As we grow older, though, we tend to assign judgment to mistakes.
How Do You Create A Fulfilling Life? This Might Answer That.
When designing and planning your personal and professional life, pay attention to how you want your life to look and feel to you and not how you want it to look to anyone else.
Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal – It Is the Courage to Continue That Counts
Without defining to ourselves what success or failure means, we will constantly be coming up against this wall of fear. But by looking behind the mask of success or failure, we allow ourselves to do is truly connect and find out what we really truly want and like and therefore who we REALLY are.
3 Steps To “Follow Your Passion” Into A Career (And Life) You’ll Love
Finding your passion isn’t as easy as finding your iPhone. There will be missteps along the way. However, the most important first step is to get clear on the direction you want to go and focus your efforts in that direction to find out the right career for you.