The human will is undeniably powerful. Once a stern commitment is made to carry through with a project or goal, there’s little to stop a person. You may have heard it said that the human will can move any mountain.
Have you ever been called to do something for yourself or go in a direction that you knew would gain disapproval from others? Most of us have at some time or another.
You are not who you are today as a result of your past, but because of your past. By letting go of who you used to be, you allow the authentic self to emerge, instead of concealing it behind an imagined self.
If you are feeling lost in life then whatever you have going on right now has not helped you feel found. Meaning this is not where you will find your fulfillment or happiness.
My greatest breakthroughs emerged when I was ready to give up. Surrender is the greatest step forward. It’s an inner declaration to surrender to universal intelligence that knows precisely how things will unfold.