As much as sometimes our society seems like it is moving forwards, there are moments when you feel like it is stagnant or moving backwards. One of those moments happened for me after I reading about the results from a study focused on black Millennials.
Tag Archives: politics
For Psuedo Intellectuals Everywhere!
It’s time to get a little well, a little nerdy. In this funny piece, those of you who tend to classify yourself as nerdy will laugh and feel not so alone. Find out more about politics, well-knowledged authors, like Thomas Friedman, and how to use those big words that you sometimes have such a little hard time pronouncing.
Injustice In Our Country: Why The Conversation Needs To Continue
When I reflect on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., I also begin to reflect on the injustices that have happened in our country within the last few years. There are so many conversations needed, but I think I have narrowed down where we can begin.