There are things you need to know about your first year as a startup CEO. Here are seven things I learned in my first year as a startup CEO.
Tag Archives: personal development
Willpower Doesn’t Work. Here’s How To Actually Change Your Life.
If you want to make any permanent change in your life, willpower won’t get you there.
How Do Some People Succeed So Quickly? They Approach Life Like This.
Every single moment, of every single day, you are “practicing” something.
Best Advice: Succeed At Being Yourself
When you learn to accept yourself, you will be able to enjoy a more fulfilling life.
What Are The 11 Biggest Myths About Being A CEO?
If you’re in entrepreneurship for the fame and glory, then you need to think again. You’re going to be disappointed because it’s a myth that startup success is going to bring you fame.
7 Small Changes That Will Make A Big Difference In Your Life
Our happiness and success rely on thinking constructive thoughts, acting with intent and creating strong relationships with others. The good news is we have control over all of these areas. We can choose to change.
Will Joining The 5 AM Club Change Your Life?
Do you just get up at 5 a.m. and start cranking on those emails before any of your co-workers and competitors? Is that how you get ahead and stay ahead? Not exactly.