You are not who you are today as a result of your past, but because of your past. By letting go of who you used to be, you allow the authentic self to emerge, instead of concealing it behind an imagined self.
Isn’t it so annoying how we can become our own worst enemies with the negative thoughts we have about ourselves? We’ve got to step away from this type of thinking. Here’s a pep talk for anyone who often thinks they’re not enough.
When you’ve faced something or dealt with something, did anyone ever tell you that you needed to change the way you looked at things? In between our blurriness, maybe there is something that we can always take from every situation.
Are you free? While this may be a simple question, the response to this question will be very complex. But in actuality, freedom is available to us at any moment. We just have to be willing to go after it and to keep it present in our lives.