Many of us crave to know our purpose, and who it is that we should be. We want to know that we are on the right track. But maybe figuring out all of these answers can be much easier than we thought.
Yes, a crappy job situation will kill your drive and suck the desire out of you to work hard. But continuing to do so could help you find ways to build your capabilities and achievements.
We crave to know that even as tiny specks in this big universe, our existence has purpose and meaning. For those of us trying to find our place in the world, maybe we’re putting more pressure on ourselves than necessary.
What’s inside sets you apart. It’s all that you need to fulfill a goal or dream. It’s really all that we have ever needed. We are each full of these immeasurable and intangible gifts that have been placed within us to accomplish what we desire.
Being able to trust in something greater than you is hard thing to do. This is especially true when you feel unsure or want to take control of a situation in your own way. This piece will help you rethink what it means to trust.