Most connect February with Valentine’s Day. But it is also known as National Teen Violence Awareness Month. Amid the happiness that comes with Valentine’s Day, let’s not forget to bring awareness to a prevalent problem.
Tag Archives: overcoming
Back On Track: How I Learned To Take A Stand Against Eating Disorders
Taking a stand against anything is hard. But this contributor has realized that when it comes to tackling any issue, speaking up to help others is always worthwhile and can change lives.
For The Love Of The Journey, Take Everything You Have & Make It Something Better
Your journey is a gift. Though we all are on a different journey, we each have been equipped with the different experiences and circumstances necessary to endure it to make it everything it was meant to be.
Meet The Toughest Opponent You Will Ever Face, But You Can Overcome
There’s an old African proverb that goes like this: “If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.” It’s a saying that is proven in the inspiring movie, Creed. Its meaning makes us move past focusing on those we think to be our greatest opponents.
There Will Always Be Another Mountain To Climb… Just Keep Climbing.
We all have mountains that we have to climb as we go about our lives. And the great part about climbing any mountain is that once you do, you can always conquer the bigger ones up ahead.
Breaking Out Of That Moment When All Motivation Seems Lost
Have you ever had a moment in your life in which you felt like you were losing all hope? Despite any hardships that come your way, you have the motivation, perseverance, and passion deep within you to overcome anything.
You Can Be “Positively” Pissed Off!
What is your approach to a situation when you get pissed off? Well, being pissed off might intimidate a few people around us, but the result is guaranteed to be much scarier if you choose to harbor your ill feelings. Our columnist Lisa Cypers Kamen offers you a better way to turn your anger into your good.