When vacation eludes you and you’re stuck at home, streaming these movies and TV shows will transport you to another time or place, immersing you in vibrant cultures and distant landscapes. They might even inspire your next vacation.
In an exclusive interview, Beachler spoke with Marriott TRAVELER‘s Editorial Director Marc Graser on how she created this otherworldly landscape and the travels that inspired the final product.
There are many elements of Wonder Woman that anyone can identify with, particularly those who have fought an eating disorder or body image issues. Here are some reminders of the iconic attributes of Wonder Woman that Patty Jenkins brought to the big screen.
The content in movies often causes much controversy for those who believe it is not solely entertaining, but actually often harmful to society. So, how do believers find the balance between their faith and the content they view or listen to? In this piece, contributor Nathaniel Simmons analyzes the debate between Christianity and Entertainment.
Watching this film, I expected to learn the stories of three brazenly blunt black men who turned musical water into wine. However, much to my surprise, the images of police brutality addressed in the film screamed with the language of now.