You’re beautiful just the way you are. This spring break and for now on, know you’re perfect like you are. As singer Meghan Trainor says, “Every inch of you is perfect, from the bottom to top.”
Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need to remember to take care of yourself by putting yourself first. And no, not in a selfish way. But putting yourself first in such a way that you can enjoy your life and stay true to yourself.
Isn’t it so annoying how we can become our own worst enemies with the negative thoughts we have about ourselves? We’ve got to step away from this type of thinking. Here’s a pep talk for anyone who often thinks they’re not enough.
The holidays are a time when we can all begin to embrace loved ones and reflect on the year. Yet the person you should be embracing the most…is yourself. But then again, that priority is not always so easy.
Secrets never have to bind you.Indeed, in this life-changing piece, Ashley Michelle Williams shares with RIZZARR audiences that they can release you into becoming the victorious person you were created to be…
Life is special and worth living. Through various challenges, you can hold onto that. Accepting my story has been ever so hard for me, but today I understand that, to me, thriving means being open, being wholeheartedly me.