Tag Archives: life understandings

Here’s Why You Need To Say Goodbye To Pride

Here’s Why You Need To Say Goodbye To Pride

In today’s society, the word “pride” has become an equivalent to strength and intelligence. Yet pride has the power to tear down, kill, and prevent people from having the most beautiful relationships they could have ever imagined. In this piece, you’ll learn instead of having pride, you should take the time to admit your weaknesses in order to inspire those around you.

A Greater Truth Revealed On My Road To A Higher Education

A Greater Truth Revealed On My Road To A Higher Education

God works in mysterious ways. Often when reflect on our life journeys, we realize how God miraculously leads our lives towards fulfilling our life purpose. In this piece, columnist Janis Robertson reflects with RIZZARR audiences on how God not only led to endure the harsh trials of this year, but also how God has amazingly led her toward her life purpose. Though painful, Robertson’s story encourages us all to never give up on pursuing the calling placed on our lives.