Time is one of the greatest things in life, because we can never get it back. Every moment of our lives provides us with the chance to overcome challenges we’ve face and to let go of all the negatives that often surround us.
Looking back, there are lots of things that I wish I would have known at the start of my twenties that I know now. If I could go back in time, these are the pieces of advice that I would have told myself based on what I know now.
There is insane power that comes in making a choice. It only takes one decision to change your entire life. One choice that can interrupt everything or change everything for the better.
Don’t you want to come to a planet in which you have the most inner peace and happiness within yourself? Columnist Lisa Cypers Kamen shares with us that there indeed is a drama-fighting superhero in every one of us. But we can conquer it. All it takes to conquer the negativity of Planet Drama is a strong grounding in your true self. In this piece, she’ll tell you how to get there.
Things happen in life, but you can always rise above. Believe and trust that everything happens for a reason, and everything is simply apart of our life journeys. Find out why maybe it’s time for you to rise above, and turn your life’s page to the next.
Life is already hard enough with all of its stresses and challenges, but imagine having to persevere through having take medication to even have a somewhat normal life. RIZZARR editor Benjamin McAfee says he has realized that it’s not easy having to deal with the extra stresses, but it definitely can be handled.
Being confined in the bubble can limit anyone’s perspective on the world. That’s why if you can, it’s so important for you to travel whenever and wherever!