An uncomfortable but powerful truth that took most of my 20’s to internalize: There’s an opportunity cost to everything worthwhile in life. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll have to give up something in order to make it happen.
Every colossal question through the phases in my life have the same answer. From when I was kid being asked what I want to be when I grow up, to when I was in college trying to decide what I wanted to do, and being an adult now with no idea what the future holds. The answer is the same: “I just want to be happy.”
Even in the face of economic uncertainty, we remain open-minded and optimistic. Our shared struggles have produced a spirit of empathy unlike anything else, because even the most privileged can fall from grace. If you truly believe that Millennials are apathetic, unenthused, disinterested, and selfish, you clearly haven’t had the opportunity to work with us.
When I signed up for classes during the past semester, I wasn’t able to get into any of the psychology classes that I was interested in because they were all full by the time my registration date came around (being a sophomore sucks sometimes…) I had settled, albeit unhappily, for the fact that I […]
We all have our own paths. The trajectory of those paths drastically varies depending on a number of circumstances; “and one common misconception that I urge you to rid yourself of is that you’re ‘behind.’
Adulting is harder than it looked on the front of the brochure. The biggest surprise about becoming all grown up that no one ever talks about…adulthood…never…stops.