Let’s face it. Nowadays, many people are questioning whether or not college is even worth it. And at the end of the day, college may not be for everybody. But in this piece, you will find that if you choose to go, it can allow you to develop yourself in ways that you may have never imagined.
Tag Archives: life notions
Be Strong. You Never Know Who You’re Inspiring.
We often think that we are weak when we seek help. But in actuality, it is the one thing that will help our light continue to shine. In this piece, find out why getting help for any issue that you are facing will not only make you a stronger, but will also give you a new outlook on life.
The Greatness Revealed While Being Human
Are you one of those shoulda, coulda, woulda type of people? Well, in this piece you will realize that there’s no reason to worry about your past. If anything, your past should encourage you to move forward, and realize that there is so much greatness that deeply lies within you.
Moments Of Silence Helped Me Change My Outlook On Myself
Silence can be uncomfortable. You are left to deal and see yourself for what you really are. But, maybe we should realize the glory and eye-opening thoughts that can come from silence. If you’re lucky… it can turn you into… a better you.
Why We Need To Overthrow The Shattering Of Our Dreams
We have the power to change our society. But we must begin by changing our actions. In this piece, columnist Farrah Qazi encourages us to build each other up. She stresses that one shattered dream is not only a detriment to one person, but it is also a detriment to the development of our entire society.
Soul Food: Understand It’s My Garden
Conceptualize yourself going in to a garden for the first time in your life, and you only had the option of picking three pieces of fruit from this assorted tree. How would you go about your process? Well, going about picking fruit is very similar to the choice you make and the people you surround yourself with in your daily life. In this piece, columnist Morgan Mathews tells you why taking control of our consciousness plays a great role in the energy that we will continue to have, or continue to not have.