When you have the perspective that life happens for you, you can stop battling all of the things that bother you. You can accept when things may not always go as you plan. And most of all, you can live a calmer life, knowing that everything is happening exactly as it should be.
Tag Archives: life notions
7 Interesting Reasons Why Spending Time Alone Makes You Happier & More Successful
Sometimes we need time to ourselves. We need to take a break from the normal hustle of the 9–5 to gain a new perspective. Interestingly, spending time alone not only makes us happier, but also helps us to unlock our true potential.
13 Inspiring Quotes To Motivate You Through Anything You’re Facing
Sometimes, we all need a little motivation to make it through whatever it is that we are facing. We hope these inspiring quotes will motivate you to keep going and to keep being positive, despite the situation that you may be facing today.
Risk Being Yourself: How Self-Acceptance Frees You From Everything & Everyone
When we try to be like everyone else or when we don’t accept ourselves, we limit our potential. In some cases, our need for acceptance can actually work against us. Start accepting the brilliance of you.
Here’s Why You Need To Say Goodbye To Pride
In today’s society, the word “pride” has become an equivalent to strength and intelligence. Yet pride has the power to tear down, kill, and prevent people from having the most beautiful relationships they could have ever imagined. In this piece, you’ll learn instead of having pride, you should take the time to admit your weaknesses in order to inspire those around you.
Let Your Own Instinct Be Your Social Feed
Whether you’re on the Internet, or just having a conversation with friends, the craziness around you can even make you lose sight of yourself. But, you can stop that from being the case and think for yourself.
When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them – And Run! (Well, Not Literally)
Getting burned by people who you thought you could trust, sucks. When you see someone’s truth, don’t deny it. Be thankful for it and use that experience to protect yourself in the future. Here’s why you should always believe people, the first time they show you who they are.