When you look at your life, you’ll discover something pretty interesting: it has been full of defining moments. Destiny moments really. And it’s these defining moments that shape who we become.
“You can overcome anything, if you believe you can.” That has been the mantra that I have carried with me throughout various chapters of my life. It has gotten me through even the most difficult moments.
With all of the dilemmas that have been intertwined along my journey, I can say I wholeheartedly believe that everything has worked out for my good. Everything.
Each of our lives is our own masterpiece. We can edit it, change it, flip it, or do whatever we make to it as much as we want. The world is our oyster and our lives can be anything that we make of it, if we choose.
Yeah, I can’t adult. Well, at least this week. Getting your life together, growing up, and “adulting” is…overwhelming. The truth is, there’s so much being thrown at many of us all at once that it makes it hard to function. But we’ll find a way.
With the repetition of anxieties about life and the growing pains that come in between, rising above the noise to connect with who it is that you want to be is not as daunting as it may seem.
The thing is, we all want to be successful. But many of us don’t want to go through the process of getting to it. Shortcuts are a waste of time. Like the old saying goes, there are no shortcuts to any place worth going.