There’s a reason for our being here, there’s something that only we can put forth in the world. So in essence, none of us should underestimate why we’re here.
Skip the pressure of feeling like you’re behind or that you need to have your life figured out, because you’re not and you don’t. Here are signs that prove you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be for this moment of your life.
It’s your turn to believe in you. It’s your turn to let go of your disappointments, insecurities, discouragements, and most of all, your unbelief in yourself. Here’s why it’s your turn to take a step forward into possibility.
It can be frustrating to love since relationships can be complicated. But the truth is, relationships are what we make them. Instead of settling for the wrong person, this piece will inspire you to remain hopeful for meeting the right one.
I wanted to publicly share this letter, because I feel like others might relate to it. They may feel the exact same way as me. So many of us are just trying to find our way in this big universe.
Sometimes it seems like we should take a situation for exactly what it is. But maybe, many times, there’s a lot more to the situation behind the scenes that we don’t know, making it so that things are never really based on what we think.
Forget everything that you’ve heard about reaching your goal. Forget everything you’ve heard about success. Why? Because maybe we’ve been focusing on the wrong thing. I’ve learned, it’s not always about the destination.