When hardship occurs, it may feel like an avalanche hurtling towards us. However, our most important lessons arise from difficult times because they teach us the depths of our strength
Tag Archives: life lessons
How To Make Friends As An Adult
I think it’s old news by now that making friends get harder as we get older. But despite all these obstacles (both internal and external), maintaining quality friendships is essential to a healthy life – especially for women.
7 Survival Tips For Startup CEOs
There are things you need to know about your first year as a startup CEO. Here are seven things I learned in my first year as a startup CEO.
Life Doesn’t Reward You For What You Know, But For What You Do
If you are still producing the same results, you haven’t actually learned something. It doesn’t matter how much information you consume. It doesn’t matter how many books you read.
Don’t Wait for Greatness: 10 Life-Changing Business Rules from The Detroit Chase For Biz Conference
You have everything within you needed to tap into it. Don’t wait to tap into it; start today. You are one decision away from a better life.
The Only 5 Things You Need To Live A Good Life
Overload has become the norm. Is it any wonder that we feel swallowed up in everything?
The Benefits Of Unplugging. And Choosing To Be Present.
This thinking recently led me to unplug for the past two weeks. In short, I put away my phone and resolved to avoid all distractions for the duration of my family’s vacation.