A brief conversation in a raucous Irish pub has stayed with me over the years and led me to some of my best adventures.
Tag Archives: life lessons
The Best Advice These 11 Successful People Ever Received
Mentors reduce your learning curve by years through mastering the best of wiser, more experienced role models. These 11 entrepreneurs share the No. 1 piece of advice their closest mentor ever gave them.
Three Things to Remember About the Valleys
Where are you on your journey right now: in a valley, climbing out of a valley, somewhere in between a valley and a mountaintop, or on a mountaintop?
5 Effective Ways To Overcome Setbacks In Life
A setback doesn’t have to be the end of the story. In fact, a setback might be exactly what we need to get where we want to be.
What The Lion King *Recently* Taught Me: “Remember Who You Are”
“Every transformation always gets worse before it gets better.”
I recently heard those immortal words and they struck me. How did this person know this too be true?
If You’re Going To Do Something, See How Far You Can Go
If you’re going to do something — do it great. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Whatever you are, try to be a good one.”Truly live your life.
7 Things to Accept About Yourself Before You Turn 30
We are not getting any younger, that is for sure. I have something to share with you – 7 things to accept about yourself before you turn 30.