In learning to recover from a lifelong battle of anxiety and depression, I slowly became more okay with the idea of being alone with my own thoughts. Growth comes from stillness.
Tag Archives: life lessons
The Only Thing Powerful Enough To Overcome Everything Holding You Back
If you want to make improvements in your life, you need to fundamentally change as a person.
The Crazy Truth About Transitions And Change
We treat transitions as something to get through as quickly as possible. It’s simply this bridge to cross over as fast as possible. Just get to the other side. But that’s what we get wrong.
Be Honest, How Are You Holding Up?
“Everything in life can be taken away from you, except for your freedom to choose how you respond.”
Why Your Destiny Is A Matter Of Choice, Not Chance
The quest to fulfil one’s goals and dreams is a journey many go in search of. Whilst there is no road map marking the route, we must take a leap of faith and trust our journey is following in the right direction
When Your Eyes Are Full Of Tears, Keep Them on God
At each point in your life, you can find reasons to praise God. Life is never all good, and life is never all bad. In every moment you have good and bad together.
How To Turn Your Life Around: 6 Tactics I Used To Change Everything
Life is a continuous journey. No matter what happens, you can change it and become better at any moment.