When you’re faced with a problem, it may seem the circumstances are deliberately happening to you. When you seek a different viewpoint, you are able to step back from the drama.
Forget everything that you’ve heard about reaching your goal. Forget everything you’ve heard about success. Why? Because maybe we’ve been focusing on the wrong thing. I’ve learned, it’s not always about the destination.
Your journey is a gift. Though we all are on a different journey, we each have been equipped with the different experiences and circumstances necessary to endure it to make it everything it was meant to be.
It’s only through difficulties, sacrifice, and and hard work do we not take things for granted, and that we are able to fully contribute to the world based on the lessons we gain along the way.
How is your prayer life? Are you struggling in it? Maybe you might consider taking a praycation… kind of like a vacation towards self-discovery in who you are in God.