Mentors reduce your learning curve by years through mastering the best of wiser, more experienced role models. These 11 entrepreneurs share the No. 1 piece of advice their closest mentor ever gave them.
Tag Archives: growth
This Is Why Most People Never Get What They Want
Life is confusing. It will misinform you if you don’t know who you are, what you stand for, and what you want. It can feel almost impossible to live your dreams.
8 Subtle Signs You’re Settling For Comfort Instead Of Embracing The Unknown
Does it ever feel like you’re waiting? Well, if you’re still waiting, here’s news: you’re wasting your time.
What Should Your Mindset Be As A Startup CEO?
So here are the top 11 lessons I wish I learned from my future self about having the proper mindset for starting a company. You’ll want to learn them, too.
What The Lion King *Recently* Taught Me: “Remember Who You Are”
“Every transformation always gets worse before it gets better.”
I recently heard those immortal words and they struck me. How did this person know this too be true?
The Most Crucial Piece To Doing Amazing Work
What’s the secret to doing amazing work?
Resistance Is Actually A Sign Of Where Growth Is Taking Place
When problems occur our resistance is often a sign of where growth is taking place. Problems force us to confront the issue facing us, so we rise above it.