I think many of us envisioned walking into our twentysomething adult lives with all our ish firmly in place. But interestingly, being in your 20s is a lot like middle school all over again. The good, the bad, and the awkward.
I started programming 10 years ago this fall, and in many ways it’s shaped who I am today. But my future could have been totally different: I almost quit before I even started. Now I realize that feeling I had then about coding is universal.
Every path that you find yourself on in life, happens for a reason. Though at times you might feel like you’ve lost yourself along the way, you haven’t. In truth, you’re just beginning to discover who you are and what you’re made of.
When I was younger, it seemed like adults had this whole thing called, life, figured out. Wow, I was completely off. The older I get, the more I realize that everyone is trying to figure it out – even adults older than me.
What stage of your twenties are you currently in? Are you smack dab in a quarter life crisis? Or is your quarter life crisis a thing of the distant past? Not sure? Check out these seven stages of your twenties to see where you fit.
Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need to remember to take care of yourself by putting yourself first. And no, not in a selfish way. But putting yourself first in such a way that you can enjoy your life and stay true to yourself.
Growing up I can safely say I had a cushy, straightforward, happy life. Some may even say I was spoiled – spiritually that is. If I wanted something, I worked hard, prayed for it and got it. Then, life got a little more complicated.