On a regular basis, I have to remind myself that the universe is abundant.
Tag Archives: gratitude
3 Ways To Prioritize Your Happiness
As an adult, it can feel almost impossible to get back to that time when you prioritized your own satisfaction instead of postponing your happiness. The truth is, you must consciously and intentionally elect to be happy on a daily basis.
Your Big Dreams Are Never Out Of Reach.
Nothing is out of reach for you, even if you feel unsure
Can You Be Ambitious And Grateful?
In business, striving for your next step is how you stay alive. If you’re content where you are, you had better be really content because before long, you will find yourself alone there.
Always Give Thanks For Everything: Past And Present
The tradition of Thanksgiving dates back to celebrating a time in which European settlers, helpless to understand American land, were given food and support by Native Americans who lived there. Their generosity towards one another should teach us to try to be grateful every day. It’ll lead to a healthier mindset than thinking of it, and community service, as something only required once a year.
Give & Thank: The Simple Everyday Actions That Can Transform Your Life
When we live in a giving and thankful attitude at every moment, it’s then that we are able to really live and recognize the beauty in everything life has to offer.
A ‘Thank You’ To Our Bodies On The Greatest Gratitude Day
It’s so important to have an attitude of gratitude. Today, countries across the globe celebrate World Gratitude Day. And while it’s necessary to honor the wonderful world around us, we shouldn’t forget the beauty that lies within us.