The only person ever to finish everything he had on his plate before he died was Jesus.
Tag Archives: God
When Your Eyes Are Full Of Tears, Keep Them on God
At each point in your life, you can find reasons to praise God. Life is never all good, and life is never all bad. In every moment you have good and bad together.
On Your Best Day And Your Worst Day, God Is With You
Life is filled with unexpected circumstances. Some of these knock you flat on your back. They make it feel like the roof of your life has caved in.
God Is Looking For Availability
Most people get to watch history; very few get to make it. But I believe you can be one of those few history-makers.
Don’t Give Up On Doing The Right Thing
If things don’t happen right away or when you think they should, that doesn’t mean you should quit. You need to be diligent and have endurance.
While You Wait, God Is Working on You
If every prayer were answered immediately, if every need were instantly met, and if every problem were automatically solved, your faith would never be stretched.
Every Season Of Life Has A Purpose
In your life, there are dozens of different seasons. And every season of life includes both good and bad times.